Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This years Halloween festivities were pretty low key. Besides the obvious excitement of getting a lot of candy, Rorie was pretty unimpressed with the whole affair. We got her a cheeseburger costume, which she LOVED...until she had to wear it. So the costume got very little use until we actually went out side to trick or treat, and she only gave in then because it was freezing and her costume was so warm. We went trick or treating with her cousins Anna and Ben around my parents neighborhood and the kids had a blast. Ben got a little nervous whenever we ran into "spooky" decorations/costumes, but he got a lot more comfortable when he realized he would be compensated with chocolate for his bravery.

Aunt Ashley joined the kids for trick-or-treating after work. They were required to dress up so she was sporting some cat ears and whiskers.

The three cousins (Rorie, Anna, Ben) posing on the porch before we headed out. Anna was a scary witch and Ben was a sweet little pumpkin.

All in all it was a fun day and we all got way more candy then we needed. Hopefully next year Rorie will enjoy dressing up too!

Happy Halloween!

The Kenisons

1 comment:

The Shirleys said...

I love the cheese burger costume! She is so cute. I love seeing little kids in costumes. Where did you get Rorie's.