Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homecoming 2011 & Other Adventures!

Since we have been in San Diego for three months now I thought I would try to catch everyone up on all of our many adventures here on the west coast. It has been a busy few months for us, but we are happy to report that San Diego is finally starting to feel like home! We have had a lot of fun and made some really good friends too!

Rorie & her friend Aiden playing in the rain.

Rorie & her friend Ily at Ily's fairy party

Jake left for deployment the beginning of August. He was supposed to leave several weeks earlier, so the added time was a great blessing for us. The one downside to his late departure is that Rorie and I had to leave for Michigan several days before he flew out. We were sad to miss his farewell, but we were excited to be a part of the pre-wedding activities for Aunt Ashley's wedding. Ashley & Joe's wedding was a wonderful and exciting event for our whole family. My moms entire family came to Marquette, some of them for the very first time, to be able to witness the occasion. It was also an opportunity for us to meet a small number of Joe's extended family. Because large part of his family still lives in Iran, only a handful were able to be in attendance. It was so much fun to see the long awaited event finally come to pass and to see Ash and Joe finally become Mr&Mrs Towfighi!

Joe & His Adoring Fans!

Ashley & I

Rorie and Aunt Ashley

Jake came home ten weeks after he left as a seasoned world traveler. His many stops included:
London, Africa, Thailand, Hong Kong, Guam and Hawaii. All of their ports were pretty quick, but he was able to get a little taste of the culture in each country. To my great disappointment(and to be honest, disgust) Jake didn't even bother to sample the cuisine in Thailand, and
opted to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. Where are these boys' sense of adventure?!
Although it was only 2 1/2 months, his homecoming was greatly anticipated. This was our fist military homecoming experience, and it was quite an event! There were hundreds of people, vendors and activities for the kids, and when the ship can into view the crowd went wild! We were so happy to have our sailor home!

In the days following his return we packed in a lot of fun activities. The most exciting of which was getting an ultra sound to determine if we were having a little brother or sister. To Rories great delight it turned out to be a little sister! It is exciting to be able to start to plan for our new pink addition!
On his first day off we got to spend the day at Sea World. We had been waiting for this and we were not disappointed! It was a fun day of rides, polar bears & penguins. After such a fun day we have put season passes on our list to send to Santa!

Until next time!

The Kenisons


The Shirleys said...

I love the homecoming pictures! Rorie is such a cutie and Jake looks good with a girl on his arm. :)

We are very excited for you to be having another girl. You should check at your nearest JCPennys for sales. I just picked up some dresses and pant suites in girls sizez 4t-6t for $1.97!!! Some of them where originally marked at $44.99. You should check in out!

lacey said...

what a cool story about his home coming, just like you see on tv :) it made me tear up. oh a new baby how cool!! congrats!! and another girl to boot, even better :)

Stephen, Terren & Peyton said...

You guys are too cute! I am jealous you got to do the whole homecoming thing because I see it on TV and it looks like it would be amazing! Congrats on the baby girl - so excited for you guys!! Miss you lots and lots!